Saturday, February 20, 2016

NOLA Bucket List

Post Mardi Gras I was able to check a few things off of my New Orleans Bucket List! 

I have ridden the street car from Joseph Street to downtown, but never anything further uptown from my house. So I wanted to ride the entire Carrolton/St. Charles line both ways. It was a gorgeous day to entertain this task! And with most of the Mardi Gras crowd departed, it wasn't too packed.

Cori & I waiting to roll!

Sara got off work early and with a little bit of effort was able to join us on the street car. At one point she was driving beside us trying to get far enough in front that she could park and be at a stop by the time we got there!

The infamous bead tree in front of The Delachaise. It gets so weighted down during parades!

Cori took an awesome time-lapse video of the ride down the entire line! 

After riding down to the end of the line we meandered through the French Quarter, peaking in art galleries and shops along the way. We stopped for happy hour drinks and snacks at Tableau right outside of Jackson Square. Pimms Cup, Dark & Stormy, French 75: all delicious!

Another item on my list was to get my palm read in Jackson Square. Readers are always out, set up and ready to trap tourists so it was only a matter of picking one! 

I was told that I will have two children, whether they are mine, step-kids or adopted, but she made it clear that pets did not count (bummer). I will own my own business at some point in life and will likely experience reproductive issues (I did not let on or help out in any way and did not tell her that I have had an ovary removed, so I am not sure if that is what she is referring to, or if there will be complications should I ever try to have kids). My life line indicates that I will be "nursing home" old. So I guess I have plenty of time to figure out what business I will run! She hit the nail on the head when she said that I tend to decide quickly whether I like someone or not. Haha! The one thing that didn't jive was a comment about me being lucky to be alive, that I experienced something that should have taken my life. I do not know of anything that has happened to me that has put me at serious risk of dying: mom, do I not know something? I mean, everything could be considered a risk. Walking out of the house I could get struck by lightening, staying in my house, someone could crash their car through the house. Who knows. Otherwise, the reading was kind of fun. I don't put much stock into these types of things, but it was an experience :)

She drew some random things on my hands as she explained what they meant. I should have recorded her because of course I don't remember half of it!

Cori did a Tarot card reading with the same lady.

Set up beside the palm/card reader was a lady doing henna. Going with the spirit of playing tourist in my own town, I figured "why not?" and had a geometric print done on my hand! While it wasn't on my bucket list, it was a first.

Cori did a more elaborate floral design. I really liked hers!

The next day we were both sporting ombre burnt orange designs :)

I am typing this a day short of a week later and mine is still holding strong. The part closest to my fingernail is starting to come off. We were advised that it will last a week or two depending on how much scrubbing you do at it.  

So there are a few things ticked off my list. There are a few more to go...

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