Thursday, January 14, 2016

Gone with the Wind

There are many classic films I have not seen, but I can now remove Gone with the Wind from that list. The Prytania was playing this 1939 romance drama so Sara and I packed up some bourbon cocktails (they are BYOB) and settled in for the nearly four hour runtime!

The title of the movie runs across the screen instead of being plastered up there so I had to settle for a photo of the rolling credits instead!
My overall impression is that it is a very pretty movie. The costumes were gorgeous and the backgrounds so ornate. The sound editing was a bit off for me. Loud booms of cannons or girly shrieks (Prissy's voice the entire time!) were scratchy sounding. But I recognize that this movie is coming up on 80 years old, so all can be forgiven. There were more comedic moments than I expected, but I enjoyed that. Also, I did not realize that the iconic "frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" line is the last thing Rhett says on screen.

As for the characters themselves: Scarlett was nearly unbearable. She was an impulsive, selfish brat and I don't blame Ashely one bit for choosing his much calmer, sincere cousin, Melanie. As for Rhett, his tanned skin distracted me almost as much as his sleazy mustache. I think he enjoyed the challenge of Miss O'Hara at first, but he should have come to terms with her style of crazy long before he did and hit the road! He may not have thought of himself as the marrying type, but his footloose, playboy ways were a different sort of wild from Scarlett's. They were an odd couple in my opinion.

I am glad that I was able to see this classic on the big screen!

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