Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Another oldie to check off the must see list: Breakfast at Tiffany's. There was a crowd of about three dozen Wednesday morning at the Prytania to bare witness to Holly Golightly's gold digging ways and her eventual falling for a rather handsome Paul Varjak despite his financial short comings. Those gorgeous blue eyes are worth more than anything money can buy!
Right off the bat the fact that Mickey Rooney was cast as the Asian landlord was a huge PC red flag. Eeek! That would never float these days. However the film is over fifty years old, so I suppose things have progressed considerably in that arena. The time period also explains the heavy smoking by most characters. Yuck! Overall I enjoyed the film a great deal. There was fun and laughter and sadness and realization and adventure. All good things in a movie.

I loved Audrey Hepburn's apartment: it was the perfect size for a young woman living on her own in the big city. Her clawfoot tub couch with its bright cushions was too cool! My favorite character may have been Cat...reminded me of Hank, Roommate Sarah's orange cat from our time in Roanoke :)

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