Thursday, July 11, 2013

Phone Games

I go through spurts of downloading game apps on my phone. I have done the Drawing Something, Words With Friends, Hanging With Friends, and Scramble With Friends (read about those here) but recently I have been hung up on two newer crazes: Emoji Pop and Candy Crush.
Emoji Pop uses emojis (little pictures of things) to describe a word, person, thing, movie title, etc. and you guess the answer from the letters they provide. Sometimes I get on a roll and can get a dozen in a row with no problems, then I'll get stuck on one (like the one above...what the heck is that?!) and have to recruit help to figure them out.
Candy Crush has been around for a while and I feel like I see a bunch of people on Facebook playing it, but I am still new to the game. I flew through Candy Town and the Candy Factory, got hung up for a bit in the Lemonade Lake, and am now fighting my way through the Chocolate Mountains. The creators of this time sucker were clever in that you can't just keep playing and playing and playing; you have a certain number of lives and once you run out you have to wait 30 minutes before you get a new one (the pink heart in the upper left corner shows you that I have 0 lives currently and 4:56 minutes to wait until I get a new one!)
So while I used to play games against other people, now I am wasting my time on one-player games. I like to tell myself that these are good for my mental health and will help keep me sharp as I get older!! Haha!

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