Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Games with Friends

First it was Words with Friends (scrabble), then it was Hanging with Friends (hang-man), and now I can't seem to stop playing Scramble with Friends (create words by connecting letters)! I play more games on my phone these days than I ever have in real life. I am also into currently into a non-"with Friends"-game called Draw Something. Brie and are super in sync on this one! It is basically Pictionary on your phone. Fun! 

Countless hours have been wasted spent staring at my phone screen trying to outsmart my friends in hopes of acquiring enough coins to earn some menial reward. After running my battery down to almost empty, I put down my phone last night and played a real-life game with Brie, AV, and the new roomy Michelle. Let me just say, the four of us are relatively smart folks, but we had a heck of time figuring out how to play Cranium! We muddled our way through 2 games, but I'm not convinced that we were playing by the correct rules. None-the-less, it was a lot of fun acting out famous characters, humming/whistling songs, drawing things with our eyes shut, playing word puzzle games, and answering trivia questions! Cranium is definitely a game we will whip out next time a few more people are over :)

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