Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Birthday 'Merica

For the first time since moving to NOLA I saw fireworks on the 4th of July! We did not go down to the river to see the explosions up close and personal mainly because Essence Fest was going on in the Quarter which meant there would be TONS of people everywhere.
Instead I hung out with Brie, Miccah, Krissy (her new roomies) and a bunch of their movie folks at Bayou Beer Garden in Mid-City. There were lots of people out on the bayou enjoying the nice weather.
Later that night I went to Dat Dog with Sara. Instead of getting my usual alligator sausage, I went for a more traditional American dog: beef! Twas yummy indeed! While eating outside at the Magazine Street location we saw a bunch of fireworks going off.
Happy Birthday America :)

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