Monday, July 15, 2013

Time Flies When It's the Weekend

This weekend seemed to fly by. Friday night Sara, Zack, a few others and myself had drinks and dinner at Oak on Oak Street. We split an order of poutine (french fries with gravy and cheese's a Canadian thing) and some steamed buns with pork. Tasty stuff. Saturday I spent a sizable chunk of the day re-arranging my room. It has been so long since I have switched things up: it feels good. That evening I met up with Sara for sushi at Little Tokyo then we went to see Anchorman which was playing at midnight at the Prytania. Apparently they are now a BYOB cinema! People were carrying in 12 packs, heck, one group actually had a cooler on wheels! Now I will be up to speed when Anchorman 2 hits theaters later this year. Sunday was spent lounging, then I went to see Grown Ups was not as funny as the first one, but I really like Adam Sandler and that group of guys so I didn't think it was awful. Afterward spending some money at TJ Maxx I joined Eddie, Brie's friend who took us shooting years ago for some good ol' BBQ at Squeal. Then what better way to wrap up the weekend than watching Dexter with Brie :) 3 episodes in, 9 to go...just like the weekend hours, my precious Dexter is going by too quickly and will be over before i know it :(

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