Monday, June 24, 2013

NOLA Is Cool

While perusing Buzzfeed I came upon this article. It is by no means an all inclusive list, but a nice one none-the-less, of the many events that take place in New Orleans throughout the year. It is nice to live somewhere that constantly has things going on. I may not partake in every festival or celebration, but knowing I have the option is pretty cool.
While I am chatting about how cool NOLA is... I got my Food Network Magazine in the mail the other day and good ol' Sucre was mentioned in an article called 50 States, 50 Ice Cream Treats! The "All Things NOLA" sundae is a very popular one.
And since I am already talking about the various media outlets I have seen New Orleans things featured in recently, I went to see Now You See Me which was partially filmed here. There were many instances where you could clearly see the French Quarter and City Park. One of the characters even says names of real places ("they turned left on Burgundy", "we are going down Exchange Place", "he went into the Napoleon House"). Super cool!

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