Saturday, June 29, 2013

Crawfish Bread

The other week I took a stab at making crawfish bread for the first time. It was simple enough to put together but in hindsight I should have added some spices to the mix, perhaps some boil mix would've done the trick.
The spread: veggies, cheese, butter, mayo, tails, bread, etc.
 The Trinity: celery, onion, green pepper + garlic
Sauteing everything up. Using crawfish tails from an actual boil would have been awesome!
Loading up the French bread loaf then wrapping it all in foil
The final product
The recipe I was following certainly did not yield a result that was comparable to the delicious variety one can purchase at many NOLA festivals, Jazz Fest being the most popular of these. It was ok, but I felt like there wasn't enough flavor--it needed something else. I am going to research some other recipes online and give it a whirl again in a few months.

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