Monday, June 10, 2013

Drs. Andrew & Lesley Maggard

My road trip home last weekend was to celebrate the nuptials of my cousin Lesley and her handsome groom Andrew. They just graduated from VCU's Pharmacy program earlier this month and have moved to the Roanoke area. Needless to say 2013 has been a year of many great celebrations for them!!
Lesley was a STUNNING bride! 
  The aftermath of my hair-do (22 bobby pins) | Bryan's boutonniere and the mini copy of "I Will Joy" sang during the ceremony
 The wedding program | The happy couple with the Junior Bridesmaid, Andrew's niece
 Fellow bridesmaids with the adorable flower girl | 3 generations of Smith men (Orville, Chester & Bryan)
At the rehearsal dinner | The newlyweds making their exit under a shower of bells and ribbon
Their ceremony and reception were both wonderful and fun. I wish I had better pictures to share but I am looking forward to seeing their professional shots soon!

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