Thursday, June 20, 2013

10,000 Days

What were you doing 10,000 days ago? Can't remember? Well, I know what I was doing: I was making my appearance into the world! That's is my 10,000th day on this planet. Seems like a lot of days huh? No, I didn't just happen to know this number, nor did I sit with a calender and figure it up. AV mentioned to me a while ago that he will be 10,000 days old later this summer and that he thinks that is a noteworthy accomplishment; so I got on the web and found this website. I plugged my birthday in and figured that I am about two months older than AV so I would be celebrating my 10,000th day about 60 days before the date he mentioned. Sure enough, February 2, 1986 was 10,000 days ago! How many days old are you??

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