Saturday, November 10, 2012

Let the Madness Begin

November. It is finally here and now the Holiday Season (i.e. Sucre's Busy Season) is upon us. All week I have been working on the final organizational touches of the Packaging Room attempting to utilize every square inch of the limited space we have. Our large shipment of branded packaging has been trickling in with the remainder arriving around Thanksgiving. With the assistance of placing blurbs on our Facebook page I have been able to avoid Craigslist and am building up the seasonal work force quickly. Last year I remember spending countless hours pouring over resumes and cover letters, scheduling and conducting interviews, then finally settling on a group of people from the long line of weirdos I met. (We all know how much I looooove hiring people as referenced here and here!) Well not this year. No sir. If you send in a decently competent response to our ad, are available during the days/hours I need help, and show up when I ask you to then you've got a job! My hope is that everything is going to come together in the coming weeks and we will work like a well-oiled machine to pre-package all that we can and be as prepared as possible for the madness that hits in mid-December (that is three hyphens in one sentence!). Sigh. I might as well go buy a few cases of RedBull now and stock up!

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