Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Will Survive

Hurricane Isaac has departed the greater New Orleans area nearly a week ago, but while everything was still fresh, I snapped a few pictures and did a little video documenting.

This 200+ year old oak tree that fell was located on St. Charles Ave. about two blocks from my house. Here is a front and side view:

A downed pole and a street covered in little limbs (that is what a lot of streets looked like)

 The following are some little videos I made when I stepped outside. The first two are from Tuesday and the last from Wednesday.

Overall, my impression of my first storm: 

  • It sucked that I was sick and could not "enjoy" things more (most folks use this is an excuse to drink...who am I kidding...people in New Orleans don't need an excuse to drink!)
  • It was windy
  • There was not nearly the amount of rain I was expecting (at least not in my area--of course other towns were completely flooded Katrina-style)
  • Being without power is exciting at first because you get to carry your flashlight around with you and light candles, but after a few hours it gets old, really, really old
  • AC is the best invention ever and I never want to be without it again! The first two nights sleeping were not bad, the third tolerable, but by the fourth it was unbearable, and the fifth was spent in a hotel!
  • I thought the power would be back on faster (I think a lot of people did and it is actually something that the local government is going to investigate since it is alleged that Entergy was not doing all that they could/working at optimal speed.) We were without for approximately 100 hours.

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