Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Day in the Life...

I thought I'd do a different type of post to mix things up a bit. I took a picture every hour (that I was awake) one day last week. Follow me via photos through my day :)

8:00 am - Wake up!! | 9:00 am - Work time

10:00 am - Breakfast & Paperwork | 11:00 am - More paperwork...

12:00 pm - Lunch time (made myself a little sandwich that day) | 1:00 pm - Trip through the kitchen (they were making breakfast pastries)

2:00 pm - Me & Maura in the Packaging Room gettin' it done | 3:00 pm - New office mascot: his name is Larry.

4:00 pm - Lots of coolers for shipping delicate treats | 5:00 pm - Twitter break!

 6:00 pm - Whole Foods has pumpkins | 7:00 pm - Drinks at Bacchanal with friends

 8:00 pm - DVR is the best invention ever | 9:00 pm - Look what was in my bed!! (Just kidding, it is a prop for my Dexter party that came in the mail that day!)

 10:00 pm - Laundry folding is my favorite chore... NOT | 11:00 pm - A little reading time before hitting the hay

And that was my day :)


  1. Such cute pics Katie! You have such a cute, fun life down there. Miss ya!


  2. Thanks--miss you too! You and Mike are always welcome to come down and take in the Big Easy :)
