Sunday, August 7, 2011

Satchmo & Boutte

Saturday was another festival day here in the Crescent City. This time it was the Satchmo Summerfest, a celebration of Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong's birthday (August 4, 1901).

I read that the nickname Satchmo came from his youth when he would preform on the streets. When people would toss change on the ground for him he would snatch it up and put it in his mouth so that no one would take it from him, earning him the name "satchel mouth" later shortened to Satchmo.

The festival covers three days (Friday-Sunday) and takes place at the old US Mint down in the Quarter. Like any other festival held in this location, there were two stages, multiple food vendors, and lots of people out enjoying the good time!
Per Louis Armstrong's style of music, the bands on the stages were mostly jazz and brass bands.
I got my first snoball at the Plum Street Snoball tent. Sugar free pink lemonade! Not bad and along with my paper fan, it definitely helped beat the heat!

After festivaling Brie and I headed out to Boutte for our friend Eddie's house warming party. Boutte (pronounced "Boo-Tee" not "Booty") is a small town south west of the city about a half hour away. Eddie and his girlfriend, Alexis, just moved into a house behind Eddie's True Value Hardware shop. So now he can just walk out his front door and be at work! It was fun to hang out with them on their turf since usually they make the trek to New Orleans to see us! We got there right as they were finishing up frying some fish, alligator, mushrooms, and onion rings! Yum!!

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