Saturday, August 20, 2011

Say Cheese

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday there was a photo shoot going on in the packaging room at work. Sam, Tariq's brother is Sucre's go-to photo guy. He and Jess, the Visual Branding Manager were shooting all of the products for the new website and upcoming holiday campaign. I had no idea it could be such a lengthy process! While I attempted to get my work done in my newly modified area they set up chocolates, macaroons, cocoa, pecans, marshmallows, toffee, gift sets and more.

The most perfect of the perfect ready for their close up!
The holiday gift box collection all set up.
Getting the lighting correct.
Sam & Jess making sure everything looks good.
Checking the picture on the screen for any flaws.
It was fun to see how they set things up and adjust angles and lighting to showcase everything perfectly. I will be excited to see what things look like once they are on the website! You can check out Sam's other food photography here!

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