Friday, August 12, 2011

The Big Bird Heads North

Last night New Orleans had to say goodbye to a one of a kind southern gentleman. Our good buddy Andrew (aka Big Bird) has departed for D.C. to begin his masters at George Washington. To send him off in style some amigos gathered at La Boca for a wonderful dinner together. We gorged ourselves on awesome Argentinian influenced appetizers and devoured some delicious steaks! There was a lot of sharing and passing of food which resulted in my first ever taste of "sweetbread". I was skeptical, but apparently people really do eat the thymus gland of a baby calf. I would not choose to order it for myself, but it was not awful.

The special cocktail of the evening was fresh watermelon juice with vodka and a splash of lime juice. I threw in a dash of salt for good measure! Since the majority of our party works in the service industry we were offered a special menu known as the "S.I.N Menu". My guess would be S.I.N = Service INdustry.
I had absolutely no room for dessert but luckily for me someone many years ago invented the wonderful "to go box" so I took home some flourless chocolate cake that was covered in large specks of raw sugar. It was the best breakfast ever!

It was hard to hug Andrew goodbye last night, not only because we were both stuffed with scrumptious treats, but because Andrew is one cool dude! He is always down to hang out, he is a decision maker (important amongst a group of indecisive friends), and he has the coolest vernacular I have ever heard!

While the selfish part of me wants something to go wrong and for him to come back to us, I know that he is making an important step in the direction he wants to go with his life (sports management). I suppose for now all of us being left behind will have to settle for a few visits a year. So until December, we say farewell to the Big Bird.

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