Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday: Sucre, Saints & Sushi

I went into work today under the assumption that it would be a slow, leisurely day due to the Saints playing the Panthers at the Dome. (Typically game days result in few customers, most likely because we do not have a TV to watch the action on.) Kick off was at noon, the same time I was due at Sucre. Well I was sorely mistaken! I walked into a herd of about a dozen young folks (gals and guys) who all had dolls with them. Not Cabbage Patch dolls or china dolls, but weird thin things with crazy colored hair and black outfits. They would pose them differently and then one girl would take pictures of them. It was strange to say the least. They were a nice group, but we were short handed and running out of things quicker than we could run to the back to restock. So, doll group plus tons of other customers plus too few employees equaled a lot of running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

Needless to say I was super jealous of Brie who was at the Superdome watching the Saints beat the Panthers! I have not watched the game (it is recorded though and I will get around to it) and I was trying to avoid knowing what was going on (the score!) but an older couple came up to the chocolate counter, ordered some sweets, then out of nowhere the man says “hey, the Saints won!”. Well so much for me not knowing the outcome. He didn’t mention the score, but at this point I know they won by the skin of their teeth (again) 16-14. This is not the team that has been talked up to me; these mighty players who went undefeated for a dozen straight games last season and then ultimately won the SuperBowl! We are 3-1 currently which isn’t anything to snub your nose at, but I want to see them pulverize an opponent! However, next Sunday won’t be good for me since I will be at work during that game too. But I hope they beat the Cardinals none-the-less!

Now it is 8:30 and I have taken a nice hot shower, changed into some comfy pjs and eaten my leftover crunchy roll. Brie and I are both sitting at the kitchen table (which is in the living room?!) with our computers. I am updating my blog and listening to my new favorite song (“Dog Days Are Over” by Florence + The Machine). She has headphones in as well, so I am guessing she is enjoying some tunes or perhaps watching a few movie trailers. I am sure that we are both up to speed with what is happening on Facebook. Nick is kicked back in the leather recliner manning the remote and AV is sprawled out on the couch. They are flipping back and forth between the Giants v. Bears game and a soccer match. Some gummy bears have been passed around and I believe it is safe to say that a relaxing end to the weekend appears to be under way :)

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