Thursday, October 7, 2010

Foods I Didn't Know I Liked

Over the past few months I have been experiencing a lot of different styles of food and expanding my palate. Along the way I have discovered things I never knew I liked! Here is a quick list of some of my new favorite foods!

Potato Salad: Honestly, I had not even tried the stuff until maybe a year ago; but now, I find that I like it, especially if it is made with dill.
Strawberries dipped in honey: Brie introduced me to this concoction a few weeks ago. I grew up dipping strawberries in sugar, but honey is another sweet option!
Sushi: I have tried sushi a few times over the years but have never felt very confident in ordering it. However, Brie and I frequent a place called Kyoto that is a few blocks away and can I just say, YUM!! Their menu has a lot of descriptions so that helps and I make an effort to try new things each time we go.
Pistachios: Not the nuts alone per say, but at Sucre we have Sicilian Pistachio gelato and a pistachio dark chocolate that are both really really good! I never thought I liked that flavor before, but now I am hooked.
Fish tacos: Some may find this strange, but I have grown to love these heavenly little things! I get them at Rum House and at Lucy’s. Grilled fish in a small tortilla with fresh light toppings are delicious!
Beans: I have always liked green beans but have shied away from other varieties. Now I pretty much like them all! As a side dish, in salsa, on a taco, however!

And just for the heck of it, a list of foods I still don’t like: pickles, mustard, coffee flavored anything, avocado, and licorice.

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