Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baseball...A Flame Rekindled

I have re-found an old love. Baseball, the good ol' American pass time. As a young whipper snapper I watched my brother play tee ball for RARO while I played softball for them for many years. As a family we ventured to Baltimore on more than one occasion to watch the Orioles. (Brady Anderson was so dreamy!) And now, after straying from the sport, I have suddenly become a huge fan again. (In general I suppose I am more interested in sports now than any other time in my life.)

The World Series has just begun and I have chosen my team: the San Francisco Giants! It all started when I watched the American & National League Championship Series with Nick. For the American League I rooted for the Rangers to beat the Yankees, which they did. This decision was based on the fact that I have always been taught to dislike the Yankees! They are always a big rival for the Orioles. For the National League I picked the Giants over the Phillies, but this was based solely on the player's appearances! What? I am a girl, that is how I choose loyalties! The Giants have a cuter team!

Tim Lincecum, the main pitcher, has long brown hair and is rather lanky looking. However, I think he is cute and I appreciate his fierce pitching style! Also, Andres Torres and Cody Ross are easy on the eyes! Brian Wilson's extremely black beard is rather intriguing too.

Here is Mr. Lincecum in action:

As of this post the Giants have won the first two games against the Rangers. Only two more to go! Woo hoo! Next game is Saturday and I can't wait!

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