Friday, August 6, 2010

Living with the Y Chromosome

Does having a penis automatically make you exempt from any and all forms of cleaning?! Apparently in this house it does! I think that the two males living here believe that an adorable little fairy comes by every night while they sleep and washes the dishes, cleans the toilets, straightens up the living room, takes out the trash and sweeps the floors. I only wish I were so naïve. But no, Brie and I are those little fairies. The Y chromosome must carry some special power that enables men to be blind to messes, dirt, full trash cans, piles of any sorts, and hair on the bathroom floor. I will say that Evan is much tidier than Nick, but he is currently out of town and in his place a fellow by the name of Billy has been staying here. Can I just say Billy and Nick are like two peas in a sloppy gross pod!

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