Sunday, December 6, 2015

I Left Sucre

Late last month it finally felt like "the right time" to leave my job. I had worked at Sucre all but two weeks of my five plus years living in New Orleans making my way from Store Associate to Shipping Assistant then to Fulfillment Manager, which title I held for the last four years. It was bittersweet leaving a place that has, at times, consumed my every waking moment, but also allowed me to create numerous lifelong friendships. Always challenging and changing, I really liked doing my job, but I need to make a change and challenge myself in new ways, so I am currently unemployed and focusing on my next move. 

In my last few weeks at work I made a little note in my phone of things I would and would not miss...
I Will Miss:
  • Making lots of colorful spreadsheets
  • The feeling of accomplishment when an extremely busy holiday rush is complete
  • Trying all of the yummy culinary experiments in the kitchen
  • Collaborating, trouble-shooting, and, most importantly, laughing with co-workers
  • Access to so many sweets all the time!
I Will Not Miss:
  • The smell of brown butter being made (tastes great, smells terrible)
  • Powdered sugar making its way on to all articles of black clothing
  • Waiting in line for the bathroom
  • Running to the trailer in the rain
  • Access to so many sweets all the time!

On my last day the Euphrosine crew enjoyed bahn mis from Dong Phuong--my favorite! Lace made me this DELICIOUS caramel apple cheesecake! I had to ask for the recipe because this must be created again. 
The lovely ladies of the Confection Studio office brought my eye candy Pinterest board to life with these (sort of creepy) cutouts of some of my preferred men! You have Rachel as Cillian Murphy (with his Peaky Blinders look going on), Melody as Norman Reeds (channeling early seasons of The Walking Dead), Jessica as Joe Manganiello (a la Magic Mike), and Lace embracing the hotness of Taylor Hanson (from his younger, long blonde hair days)! So funny!!
Cleaning up my desk/area was a trip down memory lane. Brie made this sign for me during my second Mardi Gras at Sucre! 

Over two weeks since I pulled out of the parking lot for the last time and it still hasn't fully sunk in yet.

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