Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Baskets

It has been years since I was home in time to participate in the Rockbridge Christmas Basket program, but I made a point to be back in Lexington for it last Saturday. Taking place at the Horse Center, essentially hundreds of volunteers come together to pack over 1700 boxes with food and toiletries (purchased with donations) then deliver those boxes throughout the county to needy families. The program has operated for over 60 year, distributing around 35 tons of food and 1200 toys this go round.

Set up around the arena. | Tables with gifts and food set up ready to go.

How it works: there are people who line up with boxes (assembled by middle and high school kids the day before) and are given slips of paper with the recipient's information printed on them. They push these boxes along a line of tables set up where other volunteers on the opposite side of the table place the designated items inside the boxes. Mom & I were assigned to the be the first stop for the box pushers at the canned ham and tuna station. Other items included in the boxes were peanut butter, cereal, soup, pasta, toothpaste, etc. If a family receiving a box had children a gift bag was given to a volunteer who was handed the gift that coordinated with the gender and age of the child.

Stack o' hams
Bright and early! Not as cold as I expected. In years past it has been snowing outside!
The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Ruritan Clubs and Rotary Clubs, high school kids and college kids, young and old all come together to make it happen. It feels good to do something worthwhile and helpful, especially during the holiday season and is always nice to see families bring their kids out to volunteer.

Check out the video WDBJ7 recorded. Mom and I are in the back ground behind Ms. Hawkins when she is talking :)

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