Monday, December 28, 2015

Katie's Chocolate Club: December

With the hustle and bustle of purchasing gifts, traveling home to Virginia, celebrating Christmas, and mom's birthday, my December chocolate club nearly slipped my mind! Luckily Lexington is home to one of the Cocoa Mill branches so I slipped in to their store front between rain showers and created a custom box for myself.

I've been to the Cocoa Mill numerous times over the years, but my typical purchase is a chocolate covered Oreo or an assortment of bark to take back to friends in New Orleans. This may be the first time I tried their bon bons. While they may not have as broad of a selection as I am used to at Sucre and other chocolatiers I have sampled through my Club,  I was pleased with my truffles!

ROW #1
Dark Raspberry
Milk Bailey's Irish Cream
Dark Jack Daniel's
"Bittersweet" (Dark)
Milk Hazelnut

ROW #2
Milk Chocolate
Dark Bailey's Irish Cream
Milk Grand Marnier
Milk Chocolate
Dark Grand Marnier

ROW #3
Dark Hazelnut
Milk Jack Daniel's
Dark Mint
Dark Cappuccino
Dark Hazelnut

Their guide does not offer much fluff when it comes to the names of the truffles. It is all pretty straight forward: each variety is available in both "bittersweet" (dark) and milk. In an effort to be open minded (open palated?) I selected a cappuccino truffle and two orange flavored ones (Grand Marnier). The orange was very orangy... meh... not my favorite. I think I was wise in selecting the dark version of the cappuccino over the milk. The coffee flavor blended in nicely with the darker cocoa. My favorite was the Dark Hazelnut. Yum! All of the truffles had a creamy consistency. I would definitely purchase a box of these again in the future, if not for myself, then to give as a gift :)

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