Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Typing a Book

One of the up sides of entering a temporary early retirement is getting to go to the movies during the day when the theater isn't as full and the prices are cheaper! Even better is when your friend's mom has a Groupon to the Prytania and gifts it to y'all to enjoy Mockingjay Part 2! I read all of the Hunger Game books a few years back before the first film debuted but I honestly don't think that I saw Mockingjay Part 1. It didn't seem to matter, it was easy enough to follow along with the final installment of the series.

Sara and I had our pick of seats since the half dozen people at the afternoon screening were spread out. About 30 minutes into the movie we began to hear a clicking noise coming from behind us in the corner near the lobby area. I made the comment that it sounded like a typewriter, but of course that seemed like an odd possibility. The tick tacking went on and on with Sara and I giving each other annoyed side glances every few minutes. When the movie ended we decided to exit through the side door where the noise was coming from and sure enough, there was a man sitting at a folding table with a type writer just going to town! It looked as though he was in fact re-typing an entire book. What the heck? Why? So strange. And rather obnoxious. 

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