Sunday, May 31, 2015

This & That

For a four-day work week, last week felt rather long. 

The on-going purge of things in my life continued with the selling of over 100 DVDs on I am mailing them off tomorrow and should receive a check soon after. My many years of DVD collecting was piling up and I wasn't actually watching many of them. It feels good to get them out of my space.

Along the same purging lines, I plan on taking a few books to a local "Little Free Library". I have seen them around New Orleans but have never taken or given a book before. I heard a blurb about them on the radio a few weeks back and looked into how it works. Sounds like a fun way to give books away! The alternative would be Goodwill or Salvation Army.

The mosquitoes have found me. Grrrr.

Took a trip down memory lane with a viewing of The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under on Netflix. I watched Disney movies as a young kid but not as I have gotten older. It has been at least 20+ years since I had seen either of those animated adventures.

How is tomorrow June?! 2015 is flying by! Seems like Mardi Gras was yesterday!!

Songza = awesome music app! Similar to Pandora in that you can choose what you listen to based off of a genre, artist or song, but Songza has other features: moods and activities! So you can select a station to listen to while you cook, or while you're studying, or getting ready for a night out, or cleaning the house. You can say you're feeling rowdy, or calm or fancy. They have stations to go along with a ton of things! 

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