Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road

I saw Mad Max: Fury Road and, surprisingly, did not hate it. A few circumstances led to my screening of this action packed film. 1) the power went out at my house, 2) the estimated restoration time was hours away, 3) there were torrential downpours occurring every few minutes preventing outdoor activities, and 4) I had already viewed all of the other movies playing that I cared to see.

Honestly I had very little knowledge about what I was about to see. I had not heard of, much less seen, any of the original trilogy starring Mel Gibson in the title role. Despite my ignorance, I don't think it hindered my comprehension of the plot. My boiled down description of the film is a steampunk-meets-futuristic-rednecks action flick, set in a post-nuclear war savaged, dystopian hellscape. Sounds fun right?

For the full effect I figured I may as well go big and take in all three dimensions! Those classic, plastic glasses have come a long way in the line of comfort since 3D became a popular viewing option. The powerful, and loud, score had my mind wandering to what it must have been like to record such intense orchestral pieces! Overall a very dynamic experience of both site and sound.

As is my M.O., I have since done some reading up on the film and watched many YouTube videos. One in particular, some B-roll footage, was exciting because of it's behind-the-scenes look at the stunts and props. Super cool for a non-film industry person to see!

In the end I judge films on how well they keep my attention since I tend to lose focus easily, but this two hour adventure kept me intrigued until the last scene. It also enhanced my growing crush on Tom Hardy, mainly because he is not an over-powering, macho type hero character here. His voice though, sigh, it gets me every time. 

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