Sunday, May 10, 2015

LA to VA

I am here! I am here! I drove home, I drove back south, I caught up on work, I had a friend in town, I caught back up on work, I vegged out, I am now sitting down to write again :)

While in Virginia I got to hang out with these two fur balls! Lucky & Little Kitty are not getting any younger :( They are both around 14 years old. A tad slower, a tad more gray, but still lovable and they know that I will spoil them with treats :)

Grandmaw turned an impressive 92 years young and Dad hit the ripe ol' age of 57! Happy Birthday to them! I was able to transport a Sucre cake home for everyone to devour.

 The birthday girl and boy in their spring colors :)

Smiths + Grandmaw | Brogan family (the ladies sure like their floral and pink ensembles!)

The grandkids with Grandmaw

Getting my car inspected was at the top of the to do list. LB and his friend checking under the hood at their shop before getting the official sign off.

Beautiful spring day! The weather was great my entire trip!

Of course I went over to Goshen. I always like to soak up as much mountain time as possible when in Virginia. Judy, Grandmaw and I drove over to the cabin, I poked around the abandoned church, we drove down Goshen Pass: the usual.

When all was said and done and I had returned to New Orleans I was just shy of 2,000 new miles on the 4Runner. That is a lot of sitting and singing!

Though I did not photograph the evidence, of course I ate Kenney's fried chicken and LOVED it!!!!! 

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