Thursday, January 22, 2015

Worst Meal Ever

There comes a time in every frequent diner's life when they come across a meal that they just down right do not enjoy. I consider myself a "picky non-picky" person if that makes sense as I am willing to try anything once but I know what I don't like. Well, unfortunately I had a terrible dining experience last weekend. I have no interest in saying where we ate as I know that many people have had great meals there and I am aware that my personal preferences played a large role in my dissatisfaction. 

My main complaints were the level of spiciness and the excessive use of salt. Kenneth, Sara, Zack and I ordered a few dishes and shared them family style. I did try chicken feet which weren't awful but they were smothered in a buffalo sauce of which I am not a fan. My mouth was on fire after every bite I attempted to eat. It did not take me long to call it a loss and watch as the others dove in. Even my beverage was spicy--it was whiskey and ginger and boy was that ginger strong! I was able to dilute it enough with water to make it tolerable.

Chicken feet!
 The fortune cookie that aptly confirmed that Zack is the "glue" in our friendship.
 Zack, Kenneth, me, Sara
 A later text convo about the meal:

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