Friday, January 9, 2015


Before I lost my chance, I made a mad dash to the theater on Saturday to see Interstellar on the big screen. I had heard pretty good reviews but knew that there were skeptics out there too. Around the two hour point I realized that I had failed to note how long the film was (2:49 for those wondering) and became antsy in my not-so-comfy cinema chair. I have been mulling over my thoughts and have concluded that, overall, I enjoyed the story, but I would need to see it again to catch all of the details (I am a big fan of re-watching things, I notice so much more the 2nd go round)

I loved the acting: I foresee Oscars. I hated the score--too much organ playing for me. I loved the outer space visuals. I hated Anne Hathaway's crying face. I loved the looping back of the story to explain things. I hated the similarity to Inception towards the end. I loved that I did not see everything coming (maybe that is just my lack of intelligence, but oh well). I hated that the music was sometimes louder than the dialogue and I wanted there to be closed captions. 

Matthew McConaughey can pretty much do no wrong these days. Also, his crying face made me cry. 

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