Friday, January 23, 2015

The 3BFs: Disbanded

After two and half years of living down south Zack finally pulled the trigger and has left New Orleans for the bitter cold of Pennsylvania where he hails from. Why he made the move north in January and left NOLA mere weeks before Mardi Gras is beyond me, but if it is one thing I have learned about him: he does his own thing.

As a tribute to his unique style a bunch of folks at work wore plaid, flannel, hoodies, beanies, or highlighter colored clothing on his last day.
Head smash sandwich
  Curtis & Jackie photo bombing the 3BF
 The final picture taken of the infamous trio. 
I have had a hard time with his departure but am holding on to his promise that he will be back to visit often. Until then Sara and I will hold down the fort and continue to badger him via group text messages!

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