Saturday, May 3, 2014


The other day I was vacuuming my room and the back hallway. I had the vacuum plugged into a outlet in my room where I also had the fan twirling, numerous lamps on, and my electronics sucking power. I was half way down the hall when I tripped the breaker for my room. To my knowledge this has not happened in my nearly four years of living in this house. Evan and Christian were out so I started searching for the circuit box. I checked the laundry room, every closet I could find, behind picture frames (hey, you never know!), but I could not locate the darn thing. I shot Evan a text, figuring he would know since he has resided here fore 6+ years. When I did not get a response from him I inquired with Brie and Christian then knocked on the door to the people upstairs. Unfortunately they too did not know where the breaker box was located but assured me it was not in their part of the house. I sat back down and tried to think if I had missed looking somewhere that would make sense when Evan texted me: "behind the tv outside the house". Okay, yeah, I would not have thought to look OUTSIDE. Sure enough, on the outside of the house on the side street there were two large metal boxes. One for us and one for the upstairs apartment. I could see where one switch wasn't like the others but when I pushed it over it would sling back to the opposite position. I gave my brother a ring to find out what I needed to do and was told I had to switch it fully off then back to the on position. Ta Da! I ran back in the house and the lights were on and the fan spinning. I left a note for the people upstairs letting them know where to find the circuit box should they ever trip something! 

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