Monday, May 19, 2014

Make It Right

On Saturday Brad Pitt hosted his Make It Right Foundation's Gala at the Sugar Mill in the CBD. I worked with the catering company for the $1,000 a plate event. Before the guests started arriving I was able to take a gander at the dinner area that was construction site themed. I read that all of the decor and table settings were made from materials that will be used to build houses for the foundation. So the center pieces were displays of nails, the tables were made of either plywood or counter tops and saw horses and marked with a numbered hard hat. Check out an article and some pictures here

After 7+ hours on my feet prepping, plating, and cleaning we were released to leave. The help, as it were, is not permitted inside the main event (this is a fancy gala and we are all wearing aprons covered in food) nor allowed to take pictures or request autographs, so there was no opportunity to sneak a peek of the festivities or guests. However, as I was saying goodbye and heading out for the night I walked right passed Bruno Mars waiting for his cue to go in and perform. He sure is an itty bitty fella! 

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