Sunday, May 18, 2014


The other week I had the pleasure of entertaining a relative I have not laid eyes on in roughly twenty years. My second cousin, Zach, was in town for job training for a few days, so we met up for a quick tour and dinner. Our meeting sparked a conversation regarding exactly how we are related and what we are to each other. This cousin business can be tricky stuff if you aren't careful. After consulting Wikipedia, it has been concluded that Zach and I are second cousins. That seems simple enough, but then I was wondering what his dad is to me (his dad and my mom are first cousins). According to this very helpful chart Zach's dad and I are first cousins once removed. It all makes sense if you study the flow of things; not sure why I never really knew this before?!

Any way, I took Zach on a little driving tour of uptown, going up St. Charles Ave. to see all of the old, big houses and the street car then down Magazine St. to see all of the restaurants and shops before making our way to the Bywater for some international street food cuisine at Booty's. I believe this was my first time trying octopus--not too bad, though it was covered in a spicy Korean fermented chili sauce which I certainly could have done without! It was fun to catch up and hear about a side of the family that I do not see often. Showing newbies around town is always fun too and helps to remind me about all of the awesome things New Orleans has to offer :)

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