Sunday, March 3, 2013

Parents Visit Day #1

This time last week Mom & Dad were in town visiting me. It has been almost two years since they both came to hang out, so I was able to come up with some new things for us to occupy our time. Friday night I picked them up from the Amtrak station...that was an adventure in itself trying to get there. Siri had me driving all over the place but I finally made it to them. That night they stayed at my place then Saturday morning we got to it.

After sleeping in we finally got moving and went to Dat Dog for lunch. Nothing like a good alligator sausage to kick off your weekend! Our first destination was Mardi Gras World. Mom and I have been there before but I thought Dad would really enjoy it too. They got into the spirit by trying on costumes like the ones that the float riders wear. Then we toured the area where the artists work their magic creating all the pieces on the floats. Dad poked around checking out the frames and hitches underneath. It was cool to see everything up close, not moving, and in the daylight! A little different than watching the parades rolling.

After spending time witnessing "where Mardi Gras is made" we ventured to the French Quarter to visit the Voodoo Museum. I had never been there before so it was a first experience for all of us. There were lots of things to read about the famous Voodoo Queen: Marie Laveau as well as other key figures in the African-based belief. Throughout the museum people have left offerings of money, make-up, coins, trinkets, cigarettes, etc. 

Once we had seen all there was to see at the Voodoo Museum we wandered around the Quarter some. To get the full tourist effect we walked down Bourbon Street for a bit. Along our stroll we came across a wedding second line making its way down Royal as well as a cool band. Note the fella singing in the video below is simultaneously playing the guitar, drum (his purple suitcase) and tambourine (with his foot)!

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