Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Parents Visit Day #3

Day #3 was another one full of rain and another one spent on the road. This time we went further west to Avery Island, LA to the Tabasco factory. 

All of the Tabasco in the world comes from this one factory that sits on an island made up of a huge salt mine. They grow acres and acres of their peppers on the island then send the seeds to farms in Central and South America to use to grow the amount needed for production. The bottles they were filling the day we visited were heading off to Germany. The hot sauce is sold is more than 100 different countries and the label is printed in over a dozen languages. 

We spent a fair amount of time in their store trying different varieties of the pepper sauce and as I suspected, I am still not a fan of spicy food! We all tried the jalapeno ice cream though and enjoyed it! I think the dairy helps cut the heat. I was not nearly as thrilled with the chocolate pieces containing the fiery sauce...it was torture...I love chocolate but hate spicy so it made me very sad to eat! Overall I really enjoyed the tour and store.

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