Tuesday, February 19, 2013


My LB (Little Brother) finally made the trek down to visit his BS (Big Sister) in N'awlins. Enticed by promises of alcohol, partying and fun, he made his debut in the Big Easy the Saturday before Mardi Gras. Though the weather was overcast and blah throughout his visit, we managed to see Thoth, Bacchus, Zulu, and Rex as well as participate in the Krewe of Julu as I have done each Mardi Gras day since living here. 

Mardi Gras day feasting on chicken & pork from a sketchy food truck | BS & LB posing with a Duck Dynasty dressed fella (his mobile of stuffed ducks was super cool!)

 Standing on a cooler in a shopping cart to get the best view of Bacchus | Loving his over-sized comb and other throws from Thoth

BS, LB, Brie, and AV (the pelican) in the French Quarter | Sibling love during Thoth

 I think the overall impression he walked away with was: awesomely lax alcohol laws, huge city-wide party, bunch of crazy people acting fools (all in good fun though). The only down part of his visit was me making him work at my job on Monday! It was the last day of King Cake sales online and we were slammed so I put him to work making boxes, ripping bubble wrap, and packing orders. I don't think he hates me too much for it, but he certainly had a few opinions on how the operation could be more efficient.

Between parades I made sure he got to taste some of the local cuisine. There was a stop at the Taceaux Loceaux (pronounced "Taco Loco") truck, Dat Dog, Whole Foods (so convenient!), and he got had some crawfish with Evan and AV while I was at work. He is the first person to visit me that I did not take to the Rum House! We ran out of time for that. Despite everything being super hectic and fast-paced, I am glad he was willing/able to come down to see my stomping grounds. 

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