Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Has Sprung & Devils Have Descended

The weather has been inching towards awesome ever since daylight savings started last week. Perfectly sunny days in the 60s-70s with little humidity (hallelujah!!): this is the time of year I love New Orleans. While there have been threats of snow in VA and further north, I have been keeping the door to the outside in my room open to let fresh air and sunlight in and I must say, it has been glorious! 

The only drawback to this beautiful change in temperatures is that the nastiest, creepiest creature to exist chooses this time of year to descend upon our house (not just our house, but really every enclosed place in the city). Cockroaches, aka devil bugs, give me the heebie jeebies like none-other! A few weeks back I experienced the most horrific thing to happen to me hands down since living here. I stepped on one of those filthy critters with my barefoot in my bathroom. The squeal that came from me surely could have woke the dead... (I live across the street from a cemetery, so I'm glad my high pitched outburst did not in fact cause any corpses to rise up). I swear my fear of las cucarachas is surpassing my extreme fear of all things arachnid. Now that is a serious statement. Well, now that I have completely grossed myself out I am going to try to go to sleep and not suffer from nightmares of creepy crawlies!!

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