Sunday, March 10, 2013

Master Couch Potato

My Saturday was spent planted on the couch. Since the weather was nice out I opened the corner doors to let fresh air in, but I sat on my butt 90% of the day. I watched Tower Heist, Killer Joe, and all 10 episodes of the first season of Girls. In between this eclectic spread of visual entertainment I did talk to both of my parents on the phone and made a run to the grocery store. 
My thoughts: 

Tower Heist was whatever. I was plunking around on my computer the majority of the time that it was on. Though I was very alert when watching Matthew Broderick swing from a car dozens of stories up in the air. I think I have developed a slight fear of heights upon aging. No need to see this movie again but it was free on demand.

Not free, but $5.99 was Killer Joe. The last 15 minutes solidified the NC-17 rating it was given no doubt. This is NOT Matthew McConaughey as the charming, handsome, rom-com guy. No indeed. Not for the faint of heart, but if you're wanting to see a dark film that will leave you feeling grateful for the life you have then by all means check this out. Plus it was filmed locally and its always fun to spot places you recognize!

HBO's Girls. I'm hooked. The only reason I haven't started season 2 tonight is because it is literally 3:00am as I type this and I would surely fall asleep before making it through each episode. There is always tomorrow... Basically I see these girls and their struggle with life as a twenty-something-year-old and I can relate. Sex & the City for a younger group of girls in 2012/2013?

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