Sunday, February 17, 2013

Absence Explained

This time of year I tend to fall off the face of the earth socially. King Cakes come along and consume my every waking moment. I ingest unhealthy quantities of Redbull, curse my alarm clock daily, and yet somehow attempt to muster the energy to have a little fun during Mardi Gras. With the short carnival season this year (only 5 1/2 weeks) the work seemed to be compounded creating an enormous amount of stress in my bubble of the world. I have made it through once again, albeit with an overall feeling of deflation and numbness. To re-charge my batteries I have taken this weekend as a time to relax, sleep until I can't sleep anymore, watch movies, get my nails done and generally veg out. My hope is to go back to work Monday with a little more pep in my step so that I can conquer the smaller beast that is Easter at work. Look for a few Mardi Gras posts to come...

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