Monday, February 18, 2013

Mardi Gras Picture Overload

Soooo many pictures from Carnival 2013! This is a hodge podge of some of the sites--enjoy!

St. Augustine High School Marching Band (the best of the best!) | Kelly Clarkson riding in Endymion (she is the blonde at the top of the float)

VMI marching in Endymion (I yelled "I'm from Lexington!" as they went by) | a pirate themed float in Bacchus 

 Horses with painted hooves in Thoth | rows & rows of ladders on St. Charles

Queen Kong in Bacchus | 610 Stompers doing their thang during Thoth!

Endymion float | aftermath of Thoth

Muses "Makin' Groceries" themed floats | Clydesdales waiting to begin Endymion 

Lot of high school girl dance teams between floats | The Bacchagator float (you get to throw beads back at the float!)
N.O.P.D. doing their crowd control jobs | a house in the Marigny all decked out for Mardi Gras

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