Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me!

Another year older and surely another year wiser! The big 2-7! I went out Friday night to celebrate with friends since on my actual birthday I had to go into work (see my last post about how King Cake season is like a slow painful drowning to me). Any way, we had pizza for lunch at work and I was given lots of pretty gifts as well as a plethora of alcohol (they know me well)! That night a group of us went to Lucy's to enjoy King Cake shots: yum! It was a lot of fun :) Minus the fact my brother thought I was turning 29 I had a pretty nice birthday! Oh and thank goodness that groundhog saw his shadow: goodbye winter!!

Clockwise: Laura E., Amy & Me at Lucy's, my yummy flourless chocolate cake from Sucre, beautiful birthday flowers from Brie, a picture of a clipping my Maw-maw sent me of me & Brie at her "teddy bear tea party" birthday party circa 1993!

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