Sunday, January 27, 2013

King Cakes Will Be the Death of Me

In 2011 I wrote that the kitchen was producing 160 King Cakes a day (read about that here). The sales doubled in 2012 despite a shorter Carnival Season. This year the season is shorter still (only 5.5 weeks) and yet we anticipate selling more than last year. Currently I have been requesting from the kitchen anywhere from 400-800 cakes a day depending on the weather (nice weather = more store traffic) and day of the week (Monday = more Internet orders going out since we have not shipped since Friday). As with each Mardi Gras season that I have dealt with King Cakes: I CANNOT WAIT FOR IT TO END!!! There is so much going on. Crazy busy at work, tons of parades, this year the Super Bowl?!, random house visitors, etc. Dear Lord it is all so exhausting. But, as I somehow manage to do every year, I believe I will survive to tell the tale of another epic King Cake season at Sucre.


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