Sunday, August 26, 2012

Unwanted Visitor: Isaac

Well, I continue to feel awful. My voice is starting to go and I switch back and forth between being congested and having my nose run like a faucet! No one likes being sick, but I especially hate it because as soon as I get the sniffles my emotions go haywire and I can cry at the drop of a hat. Booooo! 

To add to my fragile emotional state, it appears that I will be confronting my first Hurricane in a matter of days. I have been watching the news and checking the weather online all day. Thus far it does not look like I will have to evacuate, but Isaac will hand us some wind and rain mid-week. In preparations for the worse I put new batteries in my flash light, bought some extra gallons of water, procured simple snacks, made sure I  have cash on hand and have my "important" papers gathered. I need to go gas up my car this evening and then I guess the waiting and watching continues. 

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