Monday, July 2, 2012

Slidell Rocks

Yesterday Brie, Evan, AV and I enjoyed a Sunday Funday that included Vietnamese food, indoor rock climbing, and frozen yogurt :) 

We drove out to New Orleans East to Dong Phuong for some Banh Mis (sandwiches). I got the Chinese Roasted Pork...delicious! We are uncertain as to how truly meat-free Brie's vegetarian option was :-\ Evan and I split some sort of BBQ filled steamed bun (the green thing) that was ok. Super cheap lunch!

Our next stop was Slidell Rocks Climbing Gym; Brie and Evan had checked this place out earlier in the week so AV and I were the new kids on the block. There was a birthday party going on when we first got there so it was a little crowded, but it thinned out and we had our pick of walls.


Along with a bunch of different walls ranging in difficulty they also had ropes to climb and a peg board thing: both of which AV dominated! For a little over $15 we hung out for about 2 hours. 

While I do not think that I have found a new passion, I would be willing to try again. I sort of had a minor panic attack my first time up. I think in part because AV was belaying me and he had never done this before either so it was like the blind leading the blind. It was not the height because I had no problem looking back down at the ground to loudly say "I want to come down!". As to have no regrets I made a second go at it with Brie spotting me and I felt better about it though I did not make it to the top before deciding all of the "rocks" were too small to hold on to. My mind can't wrap around the fact that if I am 20 feet in the air and let go of everything solid, that I will in fact not plummet to the ground, but be caught by a rope instead. It is just something I would have to get more comfortable with. The others were awesome though and were all over the place! 

When we came back to NOLA we indulged in a little frozen yogurt to beat the heat before taking a stroll around Audubon Park. 

Overall a hot, but great Sunday Funday! Now AV is off to Kentucky for a visit while the rest of us are chugging on with our week.


  1. Belay on!!!


    1. AV kept saying "I'll be the creme brulee!" weirdo.
