Thursday, July 12, 2012

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Apologies for the absence. Life has been...routine. 

Any who... yesterday was new product test-tasting/judging day at work. The kitchen is working on some new cookie recipes and focusing on a PB&J style. Tariq is not a big fan of peanut butter so he challenged the gals in the kitchen to create samples to be tasted and judged. 

There were 24 entries. All were peanut butter with jelly in some capacity and were made in the same ring molds as our current Dark Chocolate Caramel Cookies. Each culinary hopeful was sliced, visually critiqued, and tasted by the judges that then rated the appearance, taste, creativity, and productability (made-up word by Tariq meaning how easy will this product be to produce on a large scale)

The official judges: Averill, Laura, and Amy. Tariq was the official slicer.

About three quarters of the way down the table the judges started to lose steam but they managed to rally on and sample each entry. After a few re-samplings to be 100% sure, it was concluded that cookie #1 was indeed the first place treat! From here, the creator of the winning cookie will pass the recipe on to Tariq and in due time we should be offering a new Peanut Butter and Raspberry Jelly Cookie!

I tried a few slivers, but was thankful to have bowed out of being a judge! I believe there were quite a few sugar-induced food comas as a result of the competition. 

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