Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lake Euphrosine

It has been raining in New Orleans a lot recently, but usually there is a storm, it passes, and then the humidity is unbearable: typical summer weather. On Friday however, the rain kept coming down causing many streets to flood. Euphrosine Street, where I work, was no exception. A bunch of us in the office would get up to check the situation frequently and often see water lapping up on the steps outside. If a large truck braved the depth (which was easily around 2 feet) and drove through we could hear the waves of water hitting the side of the building. 

 The strange thing is that the water would rise like this, then the rain would lighten up a bit and we would peek outside 30 minutes later and it was all gone--the streets were clear--then the rain would pick up again and another lake would appear. Up and down. Up and down. Luckily but the time I was ready to go home the lake had nearly dried up!

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