Saturday, June 30, 2012

Midnight Movie #2: Magic Mike

Two Thursdays in a row Brie, Zach, and I have gone to midnight premiers! What!? Our latest excursion included a few more folks and was to see the much talked about Magic Mike staring a cast of gorgeous half-naked male strippers. Fortunately we had purchased our tickets in advance. It was sad seeing folks react to the "SOLD OUT" blinking on the screen. Unfortunately we did not arrive early enough to score good seats. We were in the neck-breaking second row.

There was a bit more to the film than just well choreographed numbers involving men acting out various "manly" professions to club music while removing their clothes. There was a bit of romance, a bit of drama, a bit of criminal activity, a bit of violence, but who am I kidding? there was *a lot* of just dancing (and audience blushing)!!

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