Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fantasy Man

Out of boredom and sheer fantasy I have spent an embarrassingly large amount of time creating my ideal man from various celebrities and their qualities. If anyone knows of a real man that fits this description: contact me immediately! 

The super foxy looks of Ryan Gosling, Joey Lawrence, and Ben Affleck combined. Holy crap!!

The sense of humor of Steve Martin

The suave-ness of George Clooney

The manliness of Tim Allen

The boyish charm of Zac Efron

The adorableness of Michael C. Hall as Dexter when he is with children 
(yeah, I know that sounds weird but kids are his soft spot)

The goofiness/lovability of Paul Rudd

And because I just like him, I would like for my fantasy guy to be the little brother of and therefore have the same distinct accent as Tommy Lee Jones

Let me know if this wonderful concoction really exists. 

P.S. I had waaayyy too much fun putting this together :)

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