Friday, June 29, 2012

A Day at the Zoo

Last weekend I was super antsy to do something new, something different. I needed to get out of the house so after a few ideas were tossed around, Brie and I chose to hit up the Audubon Zoo! The temperatures that afternoon were definitely in the mid 90s so a lot of the animals were more interested in lying around attempting to stay cool and much less concerned with entertaining the hoards of humans staring at them.

Zebras & Flamingos

Safari Katie & a lagoon-esque area

An albino aligator (he looked like he was suspended in jello!) and a close up of a giraffe nibbling some lettuce

Two gorillas eating celery watching us watching them in the shade and a white tiger cat napping

The elusive New Orleans Swamp Thing and a pretty area where the rhinos were hanging out

We decided that Audubon use ducks and turtles as "filler animals". They were every where! I guess if the featured animal was not up and roaming around at least you had some generic birds and reptiles to look at!

The only section that we opted to skip was in the repitile house, we heard someone comment about a spider from the room in front of us and swiftly turned around! No thank you.

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